Roadside Vegetation Guidelines

Roadside Vegetation - 02Kangaroo Island Council's Roadside Vegetation Management Plan has now been formally superseded by the State Plan (Native Vegetation Roadside Clearance Guidelines).

Native roadside vegetation is considered to be of significant ecological value, as it often contains threatened plant species and vegetation communities, and provides habitat for native wildlife. As such, it is protected in South Australia under both the Local Government Act 1999 and the Native Vegetation Act 1991.

The Local Government Act also requires members of the public to obtain approval from Council before undertaking any works on a roadside. Works include, but not limited to: Clearance of vegetation for the construction or replacement of a fence line and construction of a property access. (See Roadside Vegetation Application Forms.)

For clarification, please see Native Vegetation Roadside Clearance Guides.

Native Vegetation

Any clearance of Native Vegetation must be referred to the Native Vegetation Council (NVC) - visit to download an application form and send to GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5000.

If you need further information please contact NVC on (08) 8303 9777 or email