
Mosquitoes - Fight the Bite!

Personal protection

  • Cover up with long, loose fitting clothing of sufficient thickness to prevent mosquitoes biting through the fabric.
  • Avoid exposure outdoors when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Use an insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin (the most effective repellents contain 5-20% di-ethyl-N-toluamide or DEET) on exposed skin. Apply in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid using on babies and toddlers.
  • Use flyscreens and mosquito nets in accommodation where there are no flyscreens, especially for babies. (This is particularly important when camping out, as repellents are only effective for around four hours.)
  • Avoid mosquito-prone areas.

General mosquito control measures – eliminating mosquito breeding sites

Mosquitoes breed in still water (fresh, salty or stagnant). Stop mosquitoes breeding by cleaning up mosquito breeding sites around the home:

  • Dispose of all containers which hold water, or cover or put holes in them.
  • Empty pot plant drip trays once a week or put sand around pot bases to absorb water.
  • Empty bird baths and pet drinking water at least every three days.
  • Boats, canoes and dinghies should be overturned or have the drain plug removed so that they do not hold water after rain.
  • Screen all openings to tanks, wells or other large water containers with wire gauze no coarser than 1mm mesh.
  • Keep roof gutters in good repair and regularly remove leaves and debris so that pools of water do not form.
  • Dispose of all waste water in such a way that no ponding occurs. Keep all open drains and channels free from obstruction, especially weeds, grass and other debris.
  • Keep fish ponds, ornamental ponds, dams and unused swimming pools stocked with fish which will eat mosquito larvae. Goldfish or Australian native fish are recommended.
  • Keep swimming pools disinfected or salted.

For more information on protecting yourself, your family and your community please see links below or visit Also resources from SA Health are available to print below:

If mosquitoes are a concern in your area please, contact Customer Service on 8553 4500 or visit

Note: Some examples of breeding places for Mosquitoes (120 kb)