Notification of Building Works

Building notifications

After development approval is granted, the issued Decision Notification Form (DNF) lists the mandatory building notifications and timeframes that are required to be submitted.

Applicants and/or builders submitting the mandatory building notifications to council—during the construction of the building or building works—can do so by following the instructions at this link:

You are required to notify Kangaroo Island Council prior to:

  1. The commencement of building works (i.e.. the placement of concrete into any footing excavation; or the placement of stumps and bearers or the placement of a transportable building on its supports).
  2. The intended completion of the wall and roof frame excluding internal linings.
  3. After installation of wet area flashings and linings prior to tiling.
  4. The completion of building works prior to occupation.
  5. The placing of water into a swimming pool.

Please note a minimum of one business days notice is required: